Comprehensive Assessment & Recovery Experience (CARE) Unit
CARE Unit is a leading destination for adults seeking collaborative and unique comprehensive consult, assessment, and support recommendations. Our self-pay program has helped hundreds annually reduce their suffering and improve their quality of life through increased understanding of needs and self-care while receiving personalized attention. Our team is composed of expert emotional and medical assessors and diagnosticians. This allows for clear and collaborative diagnosis and treatment of complex symptom sets. We offer support and assistance with motivation to accept post-assessment options resulting in successful treatment and healing.
We’ve found that clients most likely to benefit from the CARE Unit:
- Exhibit persistent treatment-resistant health issues
- Lack of an accurate diagnosis of cause and condition of suffering
- Have a history of instability resulting from the crisis, brain-based impairment, self-harming behavior, dual diagnosis, and substance use soothing, alongside mood or thought disorders
The diagnostic assessments, inventories, and tests may include any or all the following:
- Complete Medical History and Physical
- Psychiatric Evaluation
- Comprehensive Blood Panel
- Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)
- Beck Depression Inventory, 2nd Edition
- Beck Hopelessness Scale
- Extensive Clinical Interview
- Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS)
- o 9 stand-alone tests
- Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory -IV (MCMI-IV)
- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3)
- Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5)
- Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-4 (SASSI-4)
- Wechsler Memory Scale 4th Edition (WMS-4)
- Nutritional Assessment and Consultation
- Complex Trauma and PTSD Assessment
- Cognitive Testing – Targeted Cognitive Battery
- Cognitive Test Validity
- Crystallized Intelligence
- Fluid Reasoning
- Auditory Memory
- Response Inhibition – D-KEFS Color Word Inference Test
- Family Mapping
- Verbal Problem-Solving
Diagnosis and treatment recommendations spring from our treatment team with client collaboration. CARE Unit also utilizes consultation services with superior partners.